๐Account Pre-Requisites
Before you add your account to Seek Socially, you need to make sure your account meets the following conditions to prevent any issues.
Your account must be public
If you're account isn't public, you won't be able to add your account to Socialero. Private accounts cannot be accessed by anyone who you haven't accepted on your Instagram account.
If you're unsure if your account is public or private, head over to your Instagram app and then to Settings > Privacy. Under "Account Privacy" there will be a toggle showing if your account is private or not.
The older the better... but at least 1 year old
Instagram accounts have something called a "trust score". This is how Instagram determines how many actions an account can perform. The higher your trust score, the more actions you can perform.
The reason we ask for accounts to be at least 1 year old is because accounts less than a year old have very low trust scores as they're still brand new and are therefore more likely to run into issues when growing.
You're already logged in to your account
This is simply so that if Instagram ask for verification, you're able to head over to your Instagram app and complete the verification without any issues.
Two-Factor Authentication is turned OFF
Unfortunately, our system currently doesn't support two-factor authentication. If you try to add an account with 2FA enabled, you'll be unable to successfully connect your account to Socialero.
For that reason, we ask for you to turn off 2FA before adding your account to prevent any issues.
Please Note: We're working on an update that will allow you to keep Two-Factor Authentication on, but for now please turn it off to prevent any issues.
You're an active daily user of the account
This comes back to the previous point about trust scores. If you're a daily user of your account, and are on the app every day scrolling, liking, viewing etc. your trust score will be a lot higher.
And like we mentioned, the higher the trust score, the better your growth.
Again, please make sure your account meets all of these conditions before connecting to Seek Socially.
Last updated